Saturday, 15 March 2014

Pet Friendly Holi ! - AcuMed Veterinary Specialty

Holi is an Indian spring festival also known as the festival of Colours. Holi celebrations start with a Holika bonfire on the night before Holi , the next morning is free for all carnival of colours, where everyone plays,chases and colours each other with dry powder and coloured water. Pets have been a part of the family,so even they are dragged into the celebration... leading to disastrous consequences.

The colours contain various harmful chemicals which are harmful to us and even the pets. The pets even more as there exists a possibility of the pets licking themselves causing numerous toxicity cases. A few common examples 

  1. Black Colour : It primarily contains Lead. Lead toxicity can cause Gastro-intestinal disturbance signs like vomition , diarrhoea Or even Neurological signs like Seizures.
  2. Green Colour : It primarily contains Copper Sulphate & Malachite Green. It can lead to Blindness and it can also affect pregnant pets.
  3. Red Colour : Made up of Mercuric Oxide which causes bleeding in the stomach and the intestines and it is also Carcinogenic.
  4. Silver Colour : Attributed to the compound Aluminium Bromide which is a known carcinogen .
  5. Purple Colour : Primarily contains Chromium Iodide which is a known compound for causing several respiratory disorders including asthma and numerous allergies.

Their misery does not end with the harmful chemicals, numerous dogs receive blunt traumas owing to the water-balloons. Several dogs go blind after taking a water-balloon hit on the eye.

We often feel that the colours do no harm to the pets as we do not see these signs while playing with colours. But do keep in mind , Dogs & Cats will lick them off their body leading to accumulation of these toxins in their body leading to poisoning .

Do spare a thought for our Furry little friends ... Make this Holi a Pet-Friendly Holi !!

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