Monday, 14 November 2011

Introduction To Veterinary Acupuncture : AcuMed Veterinary Specialty

Veterinary Acupuncture ( Latin : Acus - needle ; Punctura - penetrate) is a therapeutic technique based on needle insertion in specific points of animal s' body for the purpose of treating a disease, disease prevention or maintenance of health.
Acupuncture points can be stimulated by Dry needles (conventional acupuncture ), electro-acupuncture, aqua-puncture, haemoacupuncture, moxibustion, laser-puncture and pneumoacupuncture.
 Acupuncture for your pet can be performed by any qualified Veterinary Acupuncturist .

Acupuncture is an established and a scientific based medicine. In 1979 WHO declares "Acupuncture must be considered as a clinical procedure of substantial value " . There are over 300 scientific articles on clinical application of Veterinary Acupuncture published in Pubmed.

Mechanisms of Acupuncture or How Acupuncture works can be explained by various theories :
Acupuncture is very closely related to neuro-physiology as the points are located on nerve bundles, nerves emerging through deep fascia, perivascular plexus of nervi vasorum, motor points of muscles , myofascial trigger points or nerves in ligaments and joint capsules.
Acupuncture points also represents regions of low electrical resistance and high electrical conductance

In simple version 
  • Acupuncture stimulates the Central Nervous System to release specific neurotransmitters & opoids  that reduces sensitivity to pain.
  • Acupuncture causes afferent nerve stimulation,vasodialation & blood vessel proliferation locally.
  • Acupuncture causes increased Endorphin levels in the body and focuses them on desired parts ( via acupuncture meridians) which inturn reduces the inflammation that can cause , or be as a result of, pain.
  • Acupuncture is shown to improve per fusion of blood supply to organs and each internal organ is supplied by the spinal nerves. Thus by selecting a specific set of acupuncture points over-activity or under-activity internal organs can be addressed to ,which explains of of the ways of how acupuncture can be used for treating other systems too.


Acupuncture works well when combined with other principles of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) and its indications can be broadened and even more disorders can be treated effectively when Integrated with the Conventional Western Medical Therapy. 
Acupuncture works well in most of the Chronic disease pathology.

Most commonly treated disorders are :

  • MUSCULOSKELETAL : Pain management in most of the disorders, Arthritis/Arthrosis, Sprains, Strains,contracture of muscles & 'Management' of Degenerative joint diseases, Hip dysplasia, spondylosis and cauda-equina syndrome.
  • NEUROLOGICAL : Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) , Paresis , Paralysis,Spinal and peripheral nerve disorders, Management of Epilepsy & Vestibular disease , 
  • GASTROINTESTINAL : Chronic vomition, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Megacolon, and Management of Obesity.
  • REPRODUCTIVE : Retained Placenta, Induction of Labour, Retained cysts or corpus leuteum .
  • DERMATOLOGY : Chronic Dermatitis , Lick Granuloma, Management of Allergies.
  • RESPIRATORY : Management of Asthama,Chronic Sinusitis.
  • Immunomodulation & Management of Side effects of Chemotherapy .
  • Chronic and Recurrent Ootitis .
  • Speeding up Rehabilitation process & improving Joint Mobility & Range of Motion after Orthopaedic surguries.
  • Management of certain Behavioural Disorders like Insomnia, Anxiety.
  • Improving life quality in Geriatric Animals
  • Improving Performance in Sport Animals.
  • Can be a used in conjunction of Western Medications for Management Of Chronic Renal Failure

Summary : Acupuncture was developed about 2000 years ago, so the indication for conditions that can be treated cannot be translated exactly to the modern disease terminologies. 
So always tell your Acupuncturist about your pets disorder, 
You never know, We might be able to Help !