Ira, a 3 month old Miniature Pinscher pup
suffered from an onset of Parvo viral gastroenteritis.
Parvo virus affects the Gastro-intestinal tract causing diarrhoea, Haematochezia (loss of
blood in stools) and vomition.
Ira was
brought in to the clinic for an episode of Parvo viral gastro enteritis. While
she was recovering from that she developed a rare complication , she was
suspected to suffer from meningio-encephalitis ( inflammation of Brain &
Meninges) and with severe cranial nerve deficits. She also started to show
vestibular ataxia (disorder of balance system) and signs of increased
intracranial pressure – Head-pressing.
Her clinical signs included disorientation which
later progressed to uncontrolled circling towards one side and it worsened to
head-pressing later. Miniature Pinschers are genetically prone to disorders of
pressure in the brain due to their skull anatomy . The possibility of her
having an MRI scan was ruled out due to her clinical signs and risk of
injectable anaesthetics. We had a tentative diagnosis of Meningio-encephalitis
with increased intra-cranial pressure and started treating her for the same
with aggressive medical therapy.
She started to show a gradual recovery and slowly
her circling stopped and she started walking in a straight line. She was still
disoriented a bit. That too went away in a weeks time. She fully recovered by
the end of 3 weeks and all her Brain functions were restored back to normalcy.
Posting a video of her pre and post treatment.