Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Integrated Medicine Approach For Infectious Spinal Diseases - Zak : AcuMed Veterinary Specialty

Zak was born and brought up in a farm house 150 km away from Mumbai and unfortunately his first visit to Mumbai was on a stretcher lying comatose & paralyzed. With the help of the Referral Vet we tried to stabilize him and bring him out of the spinal shock.

Further diagnostics revealed paraplegia of an infectious origin . He received an integrated medicine approach , using western medicines to take care of his infection and Acupuncture for his Neurological rehabilitation.
Now after 6 weeks of intensive treatment, he is back to his normal self and now all set to take the trip back to his home soon..

A Video showing his improvement :

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Veterinary Acupuncture For Horses - Lameness & Pain Management : AcuMed Veterinary Specialty

Saw this horse while i was in Spain. Used to visit a shelter house where i came across this horse showing some amount of lameness.

Upon examination I found out that he had sore hips and possibly could be the reason for his lameness.
Had a few needles in my back-pocket and he had a short Acupuncture session.

Notice the pre acupuncture examination showing his sore hip muscles and a video post acupuncture showing disappearance of the pain.

Lecture & Workshop - Parbhani Vet. College : AcuMed Veterinary Specialty

On account of World Veterinary Day,2012 . Parbhani Veterinary College hosted my lecture & a workshop on "Integrating Acupuncture Into Veterinary Practice"

The lecture was focused on recent advances in Veterinary Practice & how Acupuncture helps us broaden the scope when integrated with the conventional medical therapy.

The lecture was followed up by a workshop to demonstrate the equipment and techniques used for Acupuncture.

Our Labrador "Tingu" had a nice and a relaxing Acupuncture session.

The workshop was followed by an interactive question & answer session.

Media Coverage : Lokmat