Preface : Animal's body produces nitrogenous waste products urea & creatinine which are excreted efficiently by Kidneys. Kidneys also regulate the Calcium : Phosphorus levels and produce "Erythropoietin" which stimulates the production of red blood cells. In cases of Renal Insufficiency the above mentioned functions are not effectively carried out . How Acupuncture works in kidney diseases, in most simple terms is by stimulating organ function and restoring the normal perfusion to the organ. Managing kidney insufficiency does not only deal with bringing the serum creatinine and urea values but also correct the electrolytes like Phosphorus levels and improve the Packed cell volume.
Sandy , a 12 year old female was presented to me with a renal insufficiency . She was under an intensive care under the referral veterinarian, with the conventional western medications. The owners wanted to add a hint of Acupuncture to accentuate the treatment. So along with the referral veterinarian an Integrated approach to Renal insufficiency was chalked out. She continued to remain under the constant fluid and electrolyte therapy and my job was to help improve the renal perfusion and stimulate organ function.
Her blood work before starting the Acupuncture session were as follows.
· RBC : 5.61 millions/cmm (5.5 - 8.5 million/cmm )
· PCV : 37.1 % (37 - 45 % )
· Blood Urea Nitrogen : 51.1 mg/dl (7 - 27 mg/dl)
· Creatinine : 3.8 mg/dl (0.4 -1.8mg/dl)
· Calcium : 8.8 mg/dl (7.5 - 11.3mg/dl)
· Phosphorus : 5.9 mg/dl (2.1 - 5mg/dl)
Sandy received Acupuncture sessions at a weekly intervals her blood work 1 week post the Acupuncture session
· RBC : 6.27 millions/cmm (5.5 - 8.5 million/cmm )
· PCV : 46.1 % (37 - 45 % )
· Blood Urea Nitrogen : 31 mg/dl (7 - 27 mg/dl)
· Creatinine : 2.4 mg/dl (0.4 -1.8mg/dl)
· Calcium : 8.7 mg/dl (7.5 - 11.3mg/dl)
· Phosphorus : 4.5 mg/dl (2.1 - 5mg/dl)
Blood work after 2 Acupuncture sessions
· RBC : 5.58 millions/cmm (5.5 - 8.5 million/cmm )
· PCV : 39.9 % (37 - 45 % )
· Blood Urea Nitrogen : 29.1 mg/dl (7 - 27 mg/dl)
· Creatinine : 1.9 mg/dl (0.4 -1.8mg/dl)
· Calcium : 9.2 mg/dl (7.5 - 11.3mg/dl)
· Phosphorus : 3.2 mg/dl (2.1 - 5mg/dl)
Sandy received a total of 4 Acupuncture sessions. Her Phosphorus levels were under normal ranges & blood work post the completion of 4 sessions
· RBC : 5.98 million/cc (5.5 - 8.5 million/cmm )
· PCV : 39.3 % (37 - 45 % )
· Blood Urea Nitrogen : 32.5 mg/dl (7 - 27 mg/dl)
· Creatinine : 1.6 mg/dl (0.4 -1.8mg/dl)
Sandy’s recent reports 1 month post her last Acupuncture session are
· Blood Urea Nitrogen : 32 mg/dl (7 - 27 mg/dl)
· Creatinine : 1.3 mg/dl (0.4 -1.8mg/dl)
I would like to thank the referral veterinarian for the intensive fluid and electrolyte therapy in the Integrated Management of Renal Insufficiency.